AYURVEDA is a medical system practiced in Indian and other Asian countries since many centuries by
traditional medical practioners. The literal meaning of the word
Ayurveda is “the science of life” (Ayu means Life and Veda means
Knowledge or Science) and is said to be eternal. The science of Ayurveda
is said to be “recollected” by Lord Brahman, creator of life, and
taught to Daksha Prajapati who in turn taught the science to Aswinee
Devas, twin brothers who are known as Deva vaidyas (medical consultants
of devas). Lord Indra got the knowledge from Aswinee Devas and a group
of sages from earth headed by AtreyaPunarvasu learnt the science from

AtreyaPunarvasu taught the science to
six shishyas (disciples) among whom Agnivesa was the first person to
author a book on Ayurveda. This book, called “Agnivesa Samhita” is
edited later by Dridhabala and Charaka in around 1st c. BC and is now
known as “CharakaSamhitha”. This is the earliest comprehensive textbook
of Ayurveda. There are many commentaries and Translations of
CharakaSamhitha in various languages.
Later there had been two different
traditions of Ayurveda, “the Athreya tradition” following the medicinal
line of treatment and “the Dhanwanthari tradition” following the
surgical line are emerged. As CharakaSamhitha is the earliest text book
of Ayurvedic Medicine, SushruthaSamhitha is the earliest text book of
Surgery. This is authored by sage Sushrutha who belonged to the
Dhanwanthari tradition of Ayurveda. Sushrutha is hailed as the Father of
Surgery. The practice of surgical methods in Ayurveda later on got
diminished due to social, legal and practical hindrances.
As the development of Ayurveda taking
place many branches of medicines or specialties were emerged. Astanga
Ayurveda, meaning Ayurveda having eight main medical
specialties/branches is being practised by Ayurveda specialists.
The classical eight branches of Ayurveda (Astanga Ayurveda) consist of following specialties.
- Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)
- Salayatantra (Science of Surgery)
- Salakyatnatra (Medical science for diseases occurring in Eyes,
Ears, Nose,Throat, Face, and Head- Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology)
- Balaroga-Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics)
- Agadatantra (Toxicology)
- GrahaChikitsa (Related to Demons induced diseases- mainly effecting on mind: Psychology)
- Jara -Rasayana( Related to old age problems- Geriatrics and Rejuvenation therapies)
- Vrisha( Related to sexual problems- Andrology)
However as the need based medical
science is being evolved many sub specialties are emerged in later
period. Metals, minerals, and ores etc. are being included for medicinal
uses and a specialty-Rasashastra is developed as independent subject.
Specialised medical treatises were written by Ayurveda physicians for
better understanding of the Ayurveda science. For example, Madhavakara
wrote a book on pathological consideration based on Ayurveda principles,
which is known as MadhavaNidan. Nagarjuna described many metals,
mineral, ores etc. for medicinal purpose in the
book-Rasaratnasamuchayam. In modern era some subjects are specifically
written to cater needs of individual branch of medicine. Dravyaguna,
Bhaishajaykalpan, Vikirtvignana, Swastavritta etc. are newly
incorporated subjects in Ayurveda medical educational curriculum.
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