Special attention is given in
medicinal preparation of Chenduram which is uniquely described and available only in
Siddha Medicine and these chendurams are prescribed and used in micro units for their potent
uses for curing diseases. Notably some of the medicines and
preparations Kattu, Kazangu, and Muppu a kind of salt etc are
exclusively available in
Siddha Medicine and these special
medicines are highly potential. These special type of
medicines are unknown in other traditional systems of
By the great knowledge of Siddhars (who attained Siddhi or Practitioners of Siddha) – medicinal plants, herbo-mineral drugs etc are discovered for their medicinal effects and are being used in contemporary period. While these Siddha Medicines
are given for oral administration for curing diseases, precautions are
taken to avoid any adverse effects or side effects. Because of Allopathy
system’s influence use of these traditional medicines is declined for
some time. However due to the demand from public, Siddha and other traditional medicines are getting popularity and praised for their efficacy.
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