In accordance with Siddha/Ayurveda system, when Kapha(Kabam)
is vitiated with Vata and Pitta affects on the Mootravahasrotos (Urinary
System), a condition is developed in
which Urine is passed many times in a day(meham), suffers from thirst (trit)and
urine taste shall be sweet(madhu). Further burning of palm and soles are
produced before onset of Madhumegam.
Since the urine gets sweet taste this condition is called
Madhumegam. Madhu means Honey, hence the taste of urine shall be similar to
Honey(Madhu) and Meha is related to urinary tract diseases; hence this
condition is named as Madhumeha/Madhumegam.
Madhumeha as per traditional medical system, lack of
exercises, indulging junk foods, intake of improper foods, excessive intake of
sweet foods, sleeping long hours, use of large amount of aquatic foods, etc are
causative factors to producethis pathological condition. Due to these factors
body requires higher quantity of insulin to metabolize these carbohydrates etc.and
due to lack of sufficient quantity of Insulin glucose is not metabolized properly
and blood glucose level is increased and affects on urinary re-absorption of
glucose and this glucose portion is passed through urine thus making urine
sweet. Therefore this condition is called Madhumeha.
Signs and Symptoms:
Excessive urination, thirst,and increased appetite which
are called Polyuria, Polyphagia ,and Polydipsia,
respectively. Weight loss, weakness,
lassitude, itching at genital area like vagina or penis, impotency, blurring in
vision, and other main symptom glycosuria i.e. presence of glucose in urine are
additional symptoms seen in Diabetes.
Lab investigation reveals raised plasma glucose (more than
200 mg/dL ) at random checkup, more than 126 mg/dL during fasting plasma
glucose level shall be considered as patient suffering from Madhumegam. Presence of sugar in Urine is seen in
Modern medical system classify Diabetes mellitus into two
types as Type I and Type II also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
(IDDM) and Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) respectively. Most
of times IDDM is caused by complete destruction of insulin producing beta cells
of Pancreatic gland and NIDDM is due to deficiency of insulin availability and
the former is seen in before the age of 30 years where as the second type is
seen after 40 years of age.
intake of nutritional food during pregnancy, intake of adequate nutritional
supplements during childhood and adolescence and maintenance of normal growth
rate and body weight are very essential to prevent occurrence as well as management of diabetes. Timing,
frequency, quantity of meals shall be useful in maintenance of diabetes. Apart
from that reduction of weight in obese persons is very essential. Intake of
junk, high calories, high sugar or carbohydrate foods are to be avoided. Physical
exercises, avoiding day time sleep and meditation are additional activities to
be undertaken.
In Siddha and Ayurveda systems many medicinal plants are
prescribed for management of diabetes. Single plant as well as combination of
medicinal plants in the form of powders, tablets etc are mentioned in these
traditional systems.
The following medicinal plants are very useful in the
management of Diabetes.
Amla/ Nellikkai - Phyllanthusemblica
Amlavetasa/Murugal- Garcinia
indica/G. pedunculata
Asana/Vengai- Pterocarpus
Aavartaki/Aavarai- Cassia
Chitramoola/Kodiveli- Plumbagozeylanicum/
P. rosea
Ekanayakam/Ekanayagam- Salacia
Guduchi /Seenthilkodi - Tinosporacardifolia
Haridra /Manjal- Curcuma
Jambu/Naval pazam(Shambu)- Syzygiumcumini
Katuki /kadurokini- Picrorrhizakurroa
Kiratatikta /Nilavembu- Swertiachirata/Andrographispaniculata
Kusta /Kuttam- Saussurealappa
Lavanga/Ilavangam(Grambu)- Syzygiumaromaticum
Manjista/Chevvelli- Rubiacardifolia
/Shirukuranja- Gymnemasylvestre
Methika/Venthiyam- Trigonellafoenumgracecum
Musta/Koraikkizhangu- Cyperusrotandus
Nimba/Vembu- Azadirachtaindica
Karavellakam /
drugs used in Madhumegam:
The following minerals are made in to bhasma(ash produced by incineration)and either single
material or combination of two or more minerals are used in diabetes. Sometimes
these bhasmas are mixed with herbal produce and prepared as single medication.
Shilajith – Ashphaltum
Naga- Lead
Vanga- Tin
Abhrakam– Mica
Amla/Nellikkai - Phyllanthusemblica
Part Used: Fruits
Preparation: Dry powder of fruits
Dose: 2.5 gm 2-3 times a day
Amlavetasa/Murugal- Garciniaindica/G. pedunculata
Part Used: Fruits
Preparation: Dry
powder of Leaves
Dose: 2.5
gm 2-3 times a day
Asana/Vengai- Pterocarpus marsupium
Part Used: Bark, stem, wood
Preparation: Dry powder
Dose: 2.5
gm 2-3 times a day
nice post.. Siddha Medicine List In Tamil
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